Venice / Palazzo Donà
23 IV 2022 - 27 XI 2022
As an initiative of the Odalys Foundation and the Signum Foundation, with the support
of Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigación de Altamira (Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte,
Spain), have enabled an intervention project in the Palazzo Donà, Italian headquarters of Signum
Foundation, which includes several site-specific projects.
of Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigación de Altamira (Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte,
Spain), have enabled an intervention project in the Palazzo Donà, Italian headquarters of Signum
Foundation, which includes several site-specific projects.
Łódź / Signum Foundation Gallery
12 XII 2021 - 15 III 2022
Jerzy Tabor „ Projection”
Jerzy Tabor works in the field of abstraction, which most fully conveys his experiences, memories, emotional states, and psychophysical conditions in filmic works — animations, drawings, and photographs.